<tc>CBD hemp oil for sleep: it helps millions</tc>

The hemp plant and its parts have been used for medicinal and recreational purposes for thousands of years, so it’s no wonder many are wondering if CBD is a good choice for sleep. Especially since hemp components such as CBD (cannabidiol) have become very popular in the last few years due to their effect. But let’s talk about everything from the beginning. 

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    Note: This and other articles on Hempo's blog are for informational purposes only. According to the directive of the European Commission, cannabidiol is classified as a 'novel food', therefore CBD products should not be used as a food supplement in Lithuania.

    CBD and THC: what’s the difference?

    These are compounds called cannabinoids naturally found in the hemp plant. They have a certain effect on your health, well-being and biochemical processes in your body. The two most abundant cannabinoids are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).

    THC and CBD affect your brain differently. THC is a psychoactive component: it can affect your psyche, cause intoxication and unpleasant sensations. Meanwhile, CBD is not a hallucinogen. On the contrary, this cannabinoid is known for its benefits to physical health and emotional well-being.

    People use CBD for multiple reasons, including seizures, anxiety attacks and pain. Some studies have found that CBD can also help regulate sleep patterns and improve sleep quality.

    If you have difficulty falling asleep or have other sleep-related problems, this article is just for you!

    CBD for better sleep

    Why is sleep important?

    Ideally, we spend about a third of our lives sleeping. You will probably agree that the importance of proper sleep cannot be overstated. Sleep (or the lack of it) has a profound effect on humans and many animals. The sleep process is directly related to the following health factors:
    • Mental health;
    • Stress level;
    • Strength of the immune system;
    • Brain activity;
    • Cardiovascular activity;
    • Inflammatory processes in the body;
    • Energy, physical activity;
    • Weight;

    and much more. Good sleep is essential for everyone.

    CBD hemp oil for sleep: what do studies say?

    In the last decade, the growing public interest in hemp products and in particular CBD has led scientists to better understand how CBD affects various processes in your body. Sleep is no exception.

    In 2019, a study was conducted, analysing CBD and sleep. It involved 103 participants who felt anxious, complained of poor sleep and experienced difficulty falling asleep. In this study, researchers wanted to determine whether CBD helped improve sleep quality in general and how much CBD the human body needed. The amount of CBD given to study participants ranged from 25 to 120 mg.

    A dose of 25 mg of cannabidiol was found to be the most effective in relieving anxiety and stress, but higher doses were needed to treat more serious sleep disorders.

    The study lasted for three months: participants were given different doses of CBD each month. For example, after one month, 66.7% of people reported that their sleep improved with CBD. After changing the dose the following month, 56.1% of participants agreed that their sleep was better than before.

    Based on this and other studies, researchers conclude that while CBD can help people fall asleep in the short term, the dose must be properly regulated.

    How does CBD affect your sleep?

    It is clear that CBD has noticeable benefits for sleep quality. But how does cannabidiol actually work?

    According to experts, CBD hemp oil for sleep is associated with the effects of cannabidiol on cortisol. It is known as the stress hormone. Cortisol levels in the body are usually highest in the morning, but people with insomnia or other sleep disorders may have high cortisol levels even at night. High levels of this hormone make it difficult to relax, fall asleep, and can lead to frequent awakenings at night. In 2019, the study mentioned in this article showed a significant reduction in cortisol levels when participants took their CBD oil.

    This suggests that cannabidiol reduces the release of cortisol during the night and acts as a sedative and as a tension and stress reliever.

    Another 6 things you should know about CBD

    1. Choose high-quality CBD oils. Many people find that CBD helps them fall asleep faster, sleep longer and feel more refreshed and productive in the morning. However, there are also people who are disappointed with this product because they don’t feel the effect. If you want to enjoy the best CBD hemp oil for sleep, pay attention to the product you buy. It is best to go with certified CBD oils made of natural ingredients and free of impurities.

    2. Remember that CBD oils have quite a few differences between them. It also happens that people use a product that is too mild for them, e.g. CBD isolate, so the benefits are harder to feel. If that’s how you feel, it’s worth trying full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD oil – its effect is more intense and faster.

    3. CBD can also stimulate. For some people, CBD can actually be stimulating rather than sedating. This may be related to the specific CBD product they are using.

    4. CBD and addiction. People often worry that cannabidiol can be physically addictive. There’s no need to panic: CBD has been shown to be non-addictive and safe for most people.

    5. Side effects of cannabidiol. Unlike THC, CBD does not have any strong side effects. In very rare cases, such effects as a change in appetite, constipation, dry mouth and general fatigue may occur. These sensations are temporary and quick to disappear.

    6. CBD interaction with medications. While it’s a rare thing, CBD may slightly interact with some prescription medications and blood thinners. So, consult your doctor if you take such medications.

    The bottom line

    The quality of life, health and well-being are directly related to sleep. If you have trouble sleeping or just want to get a better night’s sleep, CBD products may be one of the best options for you.

    CBD hemp oil for sleep is an expert-approved product that will help you fall asleep faster and get a good night’s rest – it’s time you tried it!


    Dažnai užduodami klausimai

    Kuo yra naudingas CBD kanapių aliejus miegui?

    CBD kanapių aliejus aliejus gali padėti pagerinti miego kokybę, palengvinti užmigimą ir sumažinti prabudimų nakties metu skaičių, kadangi jis veikia kaip raminanti ir stresą mažinanti priemonė.

    Kaip veikia CBD kanapių aliejus miegui?

    CBD kanapių aliejus miegui gali padėti sumažinti streso hormono kortizolio išsiskyrimą, taip padėdamas atsipalaiduoti ir lengviau užmigti. Tai ypač naudinga žmonėms, turintiems nemigos ar kitų miego sutrikimų.

    Ar CBD kanapių aliejus miegui yra saugus?

    Taip, dauguma atliktų mokslinių tyrimų rodo, kad CBD kanapių aliejaus miegui vartojimas yra saugus. Visgi, kaip ir bet kurios kitos sveikatingumo priemonės atveju, svarbu laikytis gamintojo rekomenduojamos dozės ir pasitarti su sveikatos priežiūros specialistu prieš pradedant naudoti CBD, jeigu naudojate kitus vaistus.

    Kaip išsirinkti kokybišką CBD kanapių aliejų miegui?

    Visuomet rinkitės natūralios sudėties, sertifikuotus ir trečiųjų šalių laboratorijoje patikrintus CBD produktus. Taip pat svarbu atkreipti dėmesį į CBD rūšį (CBD izoliatas, pilno ar plataus spektro CBD) - pačiu efektyviausiu yra laikomas pilno spektro CBD kanapių aliejus miegui.

    Kokia yra rekomenduojama CBD kanapių aliejaus miegui dozė?

    Optimali CBD kanapių aliejaus miegui dozė gali skirtis priklausomai nuo asmens. Moksliniai tyrimai rodo, kad 25 mg CBD dozė gali būti ypač veiksminga mažinant nerimą, tačiau norint palengvinti miego sutrikimus, gali prireikti didesnės CBD dozės. Visuomet rekomenduojama pradėti nuo mažiausios CBD dozės ir palaipsniui ją didinti, kol pavyksta pasiekti pageidaujamą efektą.