CBD and epilepsy: the benefits of hemp not everyone knows about

If you or a member of your family suffers from epilepsy, seizures or other seizures associated with this disease, CBD for epilepsy may be the most direct road to good well-being.

CBD oil is a product that is becoming increasingly popular in Lithuania and around the world. It provides promising results in the fight against the symptoms of epilepsy and many other diseases. How can CBD help with epilepsy, and what do you need to know before using this product?

Straipsnio turinys

    Note: This and other articles on Hempo's blog are for informational purposes only. According to the directive of the European Commission, cannabidiol is classified as a 'novel food', therefore CBD products should not be used as a food supplement in Lithuania.

    About epilepsy

    Epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological disorder in the world. It is a serious brain disorder that causes repeated, unprovoked seizures. Most often, they manifest as convulsive episodes.

    Seizures can affect your safety, personal relationships, work, driving, etc. So, it is very important that patients are able to recognise various everyday situations in which seizures are more likely. These factors may include:

    • departing from the established daily routine (e.g. travelling to a country with a different time zone);
    • lack of sleep – overwork, sleep disorders, irregular sleep rhythm, etc.;
    • acute and chronic diseases, infections, inflammations;
    • flashes of light (e.g., in a nightclub or driving at night);
    • alcohol, including heavy alcohol consumption or sudden cessation of alcohol consumption, if addiction has already developed;
    • use of psychoactive products (drugs);
    • constant tension, stress;
    • menstrual cycle disorders, irregularity or other hormonal changes.

    A doctor can diagnose epilepsy if you have two or more unprovoked seizures, or one, but with a higher risk. That being said, it is important to remember that not all seizures are a consequence of epilepsy. Seizures can be related to brain injury or inherited genetically, but the cause is often difficult to determine.


    CBD and Epilepsy: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

    1. What is CBD?

    CBD is a cannabinoid, a chemical found in the hemp plant. It should not be confused with another well-known hemp product, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This chemical in hemp provides an intoxicating effect, can affect mental health and cause hallucinations.

    Meanwhile, cannabidiol does not have hallucinogenic properties and is safe for patients with various conditions, athletes and people who use CBD simply for prevention.

    1. Does cannabidiol really provide tangible benefits to the body?

    The short answer is absolutely yes. CBD can help prevent some types of seizures in epilepsy and is applicable not only to humans but also to animals.

    A 2018 clinical trial involving people with different forms of epilepsy showed that patients who regularly used CBD to treat various forms of epilepsy had a significant reduction in seizures.

    Research in other areas is still in its early stages, but there are indications that CBD may help prevent other types of seizures or increase the effectiveness of other anti-epileptic drugs.

    CBD alleviates the symptoms of epilepsy, but it also has other properties that may be relevant to patients. It calms the body, helps overcome stress, relaxes, improves sleep, provides anti-inflammatory effects and reduces or even eliminates body pains of various origins.

    1. How does CBD help prevent epileptic seizures?

    The positive effects of CBD in epilepsy are association with the human body’s natural endocannabinoid system (ECS), which consists of neurotransmitters and receptors known as endocannabinoids. CBD is thought to bind and interact with the ECS when ingested. This system has been found to impact different body functions and systems, including immune response, appetite, pain, sleep and many other vital functions.

    1. How to use CBD oil to treat epileptic seizures?

    If you suffer from a severe form of epilepsy (e.g. Dravet syndrome), it is crucial to discuss with your neurologist whether CBD products are good for you and at what intensity you should use them.

    Although cannabidiol is almost always free of side effects and safe to use, there is some risk of interactions between CBD and your prescription medications. Depending on your epilepsy, it is best if CBD is monitored and adjusted as needed by your doctor.

    For the best effect - MCT oil

    CBD oil is often mixed with MCT oil for even better results. The full name of MCT is medium chain triglycerides. In Lithuanian, MCT is also known as medium-chain triglycerides.

    What is MCT? Is there a connection between CBD and epilepsy?

    Generally speaking, MCTs are healthy fats that are mostly extracted from coconuts. They have many beneficial properties: improve digestion, regulate weight and nutrition, lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and improve concentration. That’s why MCT oil is widely used as a food supplement.

    MCT oil is also found to be a good carrier of CBD. It means that MCTs increase the effectiveness of cannabidiol, thus making it even more effective in reducing epileptic seizures:

    • Accelerates the absorption of CBD. MCT molecules are small, which makes them easier for the human body to absorb. Meanwhile, pure CBD is more difficult for the body to absorb – its bioavailability is quite low. CBD is mixed with MCT to absorb the benefits of cannabidiol in the body as efficiently as possible. This oil ensures that CBD will be carried around the body faster and accelerates its interaction with endocannabinoid receptors;
    • Enriches the good properties of CBD. As we mentioned, MCTs have unique health benefits. These properties, combined with the benefits of CBD, further enrich and strengthen the body. It is especially important for diseases such as epilepsy.

    What is the best CBD oil?

    Today, you can buy several types of products in Lithuania: CBD isolate, broad-spectrum oil and full-spectrum oil. CBD isolate has the weakest effect because it contains only CBD, without additional cannabinoids, terpenes and other beneficial additives.

    Broad-spectrum CBD oil contains other non-hallucinogenic cannabinoids, terpenes and beneficial additives, making it one of the best choices. Meanwhile, full-spectrum CBD oil has the most intense effect. It contains a small amount of THC, so it cannot be used by pregnant women, nursing mothers and professional athletes.

    If you have epilepsy-related seizures, CBD for epilepsy may be just what you are looking for – try cannabidiol and discover its benefits!

    Dažnai užduodami klausimai

    Kas yra epilepsija ir kaip ji pasireiškia?

    Epilepsija yra neurologinis sutrikimas, kuriam būdingi pasikartojantys, neišprovokuoti traukulių priepuoliai. Tai vienas dažniausių smegenų veiklos sutrikimų, galintis turėti įtakos kasdieniam gyvenimui.

    CBD ir epilepsija - kaip tai susiję?

    CBD yra naudojamas kaip alternatyvi priemonė epilepsijos simptomams malšinti. Remiantis naujausių mokslinių tyrimų duomenimis, jis gali sumažinti epilepsijos sukeltų traukulių priepuolių skaičių.

    Ar saugu vartoti CBD sergant epilepsija?

    CBD aliejus paprastai yra laikomas saugiu sergantiems epilepsija, tačiau jo vartojimą būtina suderinti su gydytoju, ypač, jeigu sergate retomis epilepsijos formomis, pvz., Draveto sindromu, bei vartojate kitus vaistus.

    Ar CBD sąveikauja su vaistais nuo epilepsijos?

    CBD gali sąveikauti su kai kuriais antiepilepsiniais vaistais, paveikdamas jų metabolizmą. Dėl šios priežasties vartojant CBD reikia atidžiai stebėti dozavimą ir galimą nežymų šalutinį poveikį, tokį kaip lengvas nuovargis, pykinimas ir pan.

    Kaip CBD veikia epilepsijos priepuolius?

    CBD veikimas siejamas su žmogaus organizmo endokanabinoidine sistema, kuri turi įtakos daugeliui svarbių fiziologinių funkcijų. Yra žinoma, jog CBD sąveikauja su šia sistema, taip padėdamas reguliuoti neuronų veiklą ir potencialiai mažindamas epilepsijos sukeltų traukulių priepuolių dažnį.