CBD oil: scientifically proven health benefits

CBD oil is known around the world for its benefits to human health and well-being. This article discusses benefits that have been proven by scientific studies. Cannabidiol, better known as CBD for short, is one of 113 different cannabinoids found in the hemp plant, but unlike another well-known cannabinoid, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD) does not have psychoactive effects but has its positive effects on our physical, mental and neurological health.

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    What is CBD oil and how is it made?

    CBD oil has a positive effect on human health and well-being, which can be argued not only by the results of many clinical studies but also by the fact that it is the most popular natural product around the world to deal with various health problems or simply maintain a good sense of well-being, including healthy skin, nails and hair.  CBD oil (or Cannabidiol) is extracted from the fibrous hemp plant, especially those varieties that are high in CBD and low in THC (psychoactive substance). The production process of CBD oil begins with the harvesting of hemp plants, which are then dried and processed by extraction to extract the beneficial compounds - cannabinoids.

    The most common extraction methods are CO2 extraction and ethanol extraction. According to a study published in the Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacology, CO2 extraction was identified as the most effective method for extracting Cannabidiol without disturbing its chemical structure. The extracted CBD is then mixed with a carrier oil such as MCT coconut oil, hemp seed oil or olive oil. Clinical studies have shown that the highest bioavailability (absorption) of CBD is achieved when it is mixed with MCT coconut oil, due to the trace elements it contains.

    The CBD oil contained in Hempo products is extracted using the most advanced, supercritical CO2 extraction technology (in a pharmaceutical grade laboratory), so all the beneficial substances are preserved. Then, the cannabidiol (CBD) is mixed with natural hemp (Cannabis Sativa L.) seed or MTC coconut oil.

    How does CBD oil work?

    CBD oil works by interacting with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS). This complex biological system plays an important role in regulating various physiological and cognitive functions such as mood, sleep, appetite, blood flow and pain. Composed of endocannabinoids (natural compounds similar to cannabinoids), enzymes and receptors, the ECS is the body's way of maintaining homeostasis (internal balance). When CBD is consumed, it interacts with the two main receptors of the ECS: CB1, found mainly in the brain, and CB2, normally found in cells associated with the immune system. CBD does not directly bind to these receptors, but influences them to produce more endocannabinoids. This modulation helps to balance the ECS and thus the various functions of the body.

    Dr. Ethan Russo, a renowned expert in cannabinoid science, emphasized that CBD acts as a modulator of the ECS. In other words, it helps regulate and stabilize the ECS for optimal function and helps regulate processes such as inflammation, stress response, and sleep cycles. Understanding how CBD affects the ECS will help you better appreciate its potential benefits.

    Note: This and other articles on Hempo's blog are for informational purposes only. According to the directive of the European Commission, cannabidiol is classified as a 'novel food', therefore CBD products should not be used as a food supplement in Lithuania.


    What are terpenes and how do they benefit CBD products?

    Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in many plants, including hemp. They are known to increase the effectiveness of CBD due to a phenomenon known as the "entourage effect". Research published in the European Journal of Pharmacology shows that terpenes work together with cannabinoids to enhance the overall benefits of the product.

    CBD products have a positive effect on human health and well-being, which can be argued not only by the results of many clinical studies, but also by the fact that it is the most popular natural remedy in the world that helps to effectively fight with various health disorders, or simply to maintain good health, including healthy skin, nails and hair. So, what are the benefits of CBD? In this article, we will discuss: CBD's help in the fight against insomnia, benefits for depression and various pain relief, help in the fight against acne, relief of cancer symptoms, neuroprotective effects, improvement of heart function and more. We provide 7 potential benefits of CBD for human health below.

    Helps with insomnia


    Clinical trials (source) have shown that CBD hemp oil significantly increases the duration of uninterrupted sleep, and, according to researchers, contributes substantially to better sleep.

    Another cross-over study has shown a significant reduction in plasma cortisol levels while patients experienced a calming effect. Studies reveal that higher doses of CBD hemp oil that are used to treat anxiety, insomnia and epilepsy can also have a calming effect on the mind, leading to improved sleep.

    Cortisol is one of the most significant stress hormones that your body produces during the day, and its amount decreases at night when you sleep. However, in patients with insomnia, the cortisol level increases even at night, which essentially prevents falling asleep and having a quality sleep. For more about CBD and insomnia, read this article.

    Reduces anxiety and depression


    Anxiety and depression are fairly common mental health problems that undoubtedly have a negative (sometimes devastating) impact on people’s lives and the quality of life.

    Anxiety and depression are usually treated by prescription medication, but they can have many side effects, such as drowsiness, insomnia, sexual dysfunction, headaches, etc. (source). What’s more, medicines like benzodiazepines can lead to addiction and substance abuse (source). Unlike preparations that can lead to addiction and eventually tolerance, CBD hemp oil does not have negative side effects. CBD hemp oil works indirectly by improving your endocannabinoid system and helping to maintain optimal body functions.

    Recent research reveals that CBD has shown positive results in the treatment of various types of anxiety (GNS, OCD and social anxiety). CBD hemp oil has even been used to safely treat insomnia and anxiety in children with PTSD (source). In 2019 During a survey conducted by the World Health Organization, it was found that 7 out of 10 users of cannabidiol felt the benefits of CBD in solving emotional problems.

    Relieves pain


    The properties of hemp to alleviate localised pain, migraines or inflammation have been known for a long time (source), but relatively recently researchers have discovered that it is cannabidiol (CBD) that is the active ingredient in hemp that promotes pain and inflammation-relieving effects.

    The human body has a natural endocannabinoid system (ECS) that is responsible for the optimal functioning and state of various functions, such as sleep, body temperature, pain, heart activity, etc. (source). Endocannabinoids naturally produced by your body bind to receptors in the nervous system through the surface of the skin and in other ways. This is supported by one of the many studies that have shown that CBD can help relieve chronic pain by positively affecting the activity of endocannabinoid receptors (source).

    One animal study from the European Journal of Pain suggests CBD could help lower arthritis-related pain and inflammation when applied to the skin. Other studies also identify how cannabidiol (CBD) may inhibit inflammatory and neuropathic pains, which are difficult to treat.

    Helps with acne


    Acne vulguris (pimples) is a chronic, inflammatory, multi-causal skin condition that affects the hair follicle-sebaceous gland complex and manifests itself as a polymorphic rash on the face (the most common area), chest and back. It is one of the most common skin conditions that dermatologists treat. While acne most often appears in adolescence, epidemiological studies show that the prevalence of acne among adults is increasing, especially among women, so this condition is becoming more relevant in different age groups.

    Studies show that CBD oil has anti-inflammatory benefits and therefore can help treat acne and reduce sebum productionAccording to one study, it is the anti-inflammatory properties of (CBD) that make it an effective treatment for acne.

    Massaging CBD hemp oil on the nails can strengthen their structure and prevent nail breakage. In the same way, cannabidiol can be applied directly to the scalp – the active ingredient (cannabidiol) nourishes the hair follicles, prevents hair loss and helps maintain a healthy hair condition. You can read more in our article ‘CBD oil in cosmetics: unique benefits for your beauty’.

    May relieve symptoms of cancer 

    Scientific studies (source) have shown that cannabidiol (CBD) can alleviate cancer-related symptoms and side effects of treatment procedures such as nausea, vomiting, various pain (head/muscle), loss of appetite, etc.

    One study looked at the effects of CBD and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on 166 people with cancer-related headaches and muscle pain. Treatment with a combination of these compounds was significantly more effective than with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) alone (source) which has been the case in many similar studies. At the same time, it suggests that CBD can effectively relieve chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, which are the most common side effects of chemotherapy (source). It is no secret that there are medications to alleviate these side effects, but they are not always effective and some of them can have side effects, so more and more patients are looking for alternatives such as cannabidiol (CBD).

    It should be noted that many of these studies were conducted on animals, and while their results are promising, the findings provide information that more research is needed to determine the exact relationship between the positive results of the studies and the use of CBD. Read more about CBD oil and oncological diseases in the article ‘CBD in cancer management’.

    Neuroprotective effect

    Preclinical studies have found that CBD can have a positive effect on patients with neurological disorders. One of the most studied uses of cannabidiol is its impact on the treatment of epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. Studies have shown that medications containing cannabidiol (CBD) are safe and effective in reducing muscle spasms in people with multiple sclerosis. It was found that 206 (75%) of the 266 people with multiple sclerosis who participated in the study had a significant reduction in the frequency and intensity of muscle spasms (source).

    Another clinical study revealed that CBD oil significantly reduced the intensity of seizures in children with severe epilepsy compared to a placebo (source). It is also important to mention that a small percentage of people who participated in the mentioned study experienced treatment-related side effects (using CBD), such as fatigue, fever and seizures. So, consult professionals before choosing this treatment.

    At the same time, the effectiveness of cannabidiol in the treatment of other neurological diseases has also been established. For example, several studies have found that treatment with CBD improved the neurological condition and sleep of patients with Parkinson’s disease (source, source). Other animal studies have shown that CBD can reduce inflammation and help prevent neurodegeneration associated with Alzheimer’s disease (source). One long-term study found that CBD helped prevent cognitive impairment in mice genetically predisposed to Alzheimer’s disease (source).

    Potential benefits for heart function

    Recent preclinical studies have linked CBD use to cardiovascular benefits, including the ability to lower high blood pressure. High blood pressure is directly related to an increased risk of having a stroke or heart attack, especially in people over 40 (source). In one study conducted in the United States, healthy men were given a dose of 400 mg of CBD and found that it reduced their blood pressure compared to a placebo.

    Other preclinical studies suggest that cannabidiol reduces oxidative stress in mice, which may indicate that CBD has the ability to prevent heart damage in people with diabetes and heart disease (source).

    Other potential health benefits

    Cannabidiol (CBD) is a relatively new discovery in the treatment of various disorders and diseases, so there is still a lot of research to be done. But it is believed that CBD may have more benefits for human health. For example, it may have antipsychotic effects and can help people with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, or people with addiction to narcotic and psychotropic substances (source), it also has potential anti-cancer effects (prevents breast, prostate, colon, lung cancer in animal studies) and may be useful in the prevention of diabetes (source).

    How is CBD oil used?

    CBD oil is used in several ways. In foreign countries where CBD oil is sold as a dietary supplement, it is usually administered by dripping under the tongue and holding for 60-90 seconds and swallowing. Another method is external use, for example by rubbing CBD oil on wrist arteries, problem areas of the skin or sore muscles. Both methods are effective and have their purpose, but the choice of use often depends on each person's needs and the legal regulation of CBD in the respective country.

    Are there any side effects?

    While cannabidiol (CBD) is generally well tolerated by our body and is considered safe, a small percentage of people may still experience unwanted side reactions (fatigue, diarrhea, changes in appetite and weight). It should be noted that cannabidiol can have unwanted interactions with the medications you use, so consult your doctor or pharmacist before starting to use cannabidiol (CBD).

    How to choose a quality CBD oil

    Choosing the right CBD oil is critical to achieving effective results. First, look for an oil that is extracted from hemp that has a special genetic profile that is rich in CBD and other beneficial cannabinoids. Be careful and beware of cheap CBD oil, which is almost always made from simple fiber hemp (eg. Cannabis ruderalis), also known as garbage can.

    Secondly, it is important that the product is tested by an independent (properly certified) laboratory. These tests confirm CBD concentrations and isolate potential contaminants such as heavy metals and pesticides. A 2018 report from the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) states that only 30% of CBD products meet the label information (eg. type and concentration of CBD oil), this just proves once again that it is very important to check the results of laboratory tests of the CBD product you are interested in.

    Finally, don't forget to check what customer reviews say about the product or brand in question. Real-world feedback can provide invaluable insight into a product's performance. Analyze online reviews for consistent positive comments about the oil's effectiveness, purity, and brand credibility.

    Considering these factors will greatly increase your chances of choosing a safe and effective CBD oil.

    CBD oil in Lithuania

    The marketing and use of cannabidiol (CBD) products are allowed in Lithuania, but the product must not exceed the permitted content of 0.2% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is exactly the kind of CBD products we offer! Check out the results of our laboratory tests, which are carried out for each batch.

    CBD oil contained in Hempo products is extracted using an innovative double CO2 extraction method, as a result of which all useful substances - cannabinoids and terpenes - are preserved in CBD oil. Hempo CBD oil is mixed with MCT coconut oil, which increases the bioavailability (absorption) of CBD up to three times. For these and other reasons, Hempo CBD products are recognized as some of the best in Europe.


    The benefits and effectiveness of CBD oil are a combination of many factors, the type of hemp, the extraction method used, the oil "carrier" used, and the interaction with the endocannabinoid system. We recommend choosing CBD products that have been independently tested by a third-party certified laboratory. It is also important to check product reviews on the Internet and to choose a time-tested brand, this is the only way to avoid a low-quality or even health-threatening product.

    Dažnai užduodami klausimai

    Kokia yra CBD aliejaus nauda?

    CBD nauda apima psichologinės būklės gerinimą, pvz., nerimo ir depresijos simptomų mažinimą, miego kokybės gerinimą, įvairios kilmės skausmo ir uždegimo malšinimą, odos būklės palaikymą ir net tam tikrų širdies bei kraujotakos sutrikimų simptomų mažinimą. Moksliniai tyrimai taip pat įrodė, kad CBD turi neuroprotekcinį poveikį, todėl CBD aliejus gali būti naudingas onkologinėmis ligomis sergantiems pacientams.

    Kokia yra CBD aliejaus nauda kovojant su nemiga?

    CBD aliejus gali padėti pagerinti miego kokybę ir prailginti nenutrūkstamo miego laiką, veikdamas raminamai ir mažindamas kortizolio (streso hormono) lygį organizme.

    Kokia yra CBD aliejaus nauda kovojant su nerimu ir depresija?

    CBD aliejus, veikdamas endokanabinoidinę sistemą, gali padėti reguliuoti nuotaiką ir emocijas, taip sumažindamas nerimo ir depresijos simptomus. Svarbu paminėti ir tai, jog CBD aliejus nesukelia šalutinių poveikių, būdingų įprastiems antidepresantams.

    Kokia yra CBD aliejaus nauda malšinant skausmą?

    CBD aliejus yra laikomas efektyvia skausmo malšinimo priemone, nes jis moduliuoja organizmo endokanabinoidinę sistemą, slopindamas uždegiminius procesus organizme ir skausmo pojūtį. CBD yra ypač efektyvus malšinant lėtinį, uždegiminį ir neuropatinį skausmą.

    Kokia yra CBD aliejaus nauda kovojant su odos problemomis?

    CBD aliejus gali būti naudojamas kaip odos priežiūros priemonė, padedanti kovoti su akne dėl savo priešuždegiminių savybių ir gebėjimo mažinti odos išskiriamą sebumo (riebalų) kiekį. CBD aliejus taip pat gali sulėtinti odos senėjimo procesus dėl savo antioksidacinių savybių.