<tc>Using CBD topically: recent studies show promising results</tc>

The recent clinical trials on the effects of topical use of CBD and scientists’ findings suggest that using CBD topically helps with muscle and joint inflammation as well as local pain relief. For example, during one study, CBD oil was applied to the inflamed joints of lab rats with arthritis and a significant reduction in swelling in those areas was found. But how does CBD work when used topically? Read this article and find out all the answers.

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    CBD use in cosmetics

    How does CBD affect your body?

    First, let’s briefly explore how any type of CBD products (topicals, oils, tinctures and more) interacts with your body to create calming effects.

    Did you know that humans have an endocannabinoid system? Until it was discovered in 1988, no one did. In fact, the endocannabinoid system (or ECS) was named after cannabinoids, the molecules found in the hemp plant. That’s because the ECS was first discovered after scientists realised it was the system that interacted with cannabinoids to produce the felt effects of ingesting or smoking marijuana.

    Now, we know that the ECS does a whole lot more than previously thought. It was found that the endocannabinoid system is wide-ranging, with parts found in the brain and nervous system as well as the digestive system.

    In short, the endocannabinoid system is responsible for maintaining your body’s homoeostasis. That means that the ECS helps maintain our 36.6-degree body temperature, regulate our mood and stress response, keep inflammation and pain in check, make sure digestion is going smoothly, regulate our sleep and its quality, as well as maintain an optimal immune system, blood circulation and intraocular pressure. More about the benefits of CBD read here.

    When the ECS isn’t functioning properly, it can lead to conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or chronic migraines.

    CBD is a psytocannabinoid that is virtually identical in its chemical composition to the endocannabinoids produced by your endocannabinoid system, which are essential for maintaining the optimal condition and functioning of the ECS. Therefore, CBD that enters your body is absorbed by the endocannabinoid system, thus strengthening it and restoring the balance of various functions.

    How topical CBD works

    Topical CBD is applied directly to the skin rather than ingested. So, how it affects your body is a bit different.

    When CBD is ingested, it passes through your digestive system and then into your bloodstream. This creates a whole-body effect, with CBD helping your endocannabinoid system in all kinds of places, like your nervous system and your digestive system.

    When CBD is applied topically, it reaches the specific cannabinoid receptors nearest to the area you put it. It means you get a more powerful, targeted effect on a certain area rather than on your whole body.

    Topical CBD has been found to have an analgesic effect where it is applied. Plus, unlike synthetic topical anti-inflammatory creams, CBD oil shows no evidence of causing side effects like skin rashes or redness.

    One thing to keep in mind when choosing CBD topical oil is to go for liquid, heavy oil. For topical CBD to be as effective as possible, it must be able to penetrate through the skin, so the more watery, the better.

    Topical CBD Products

    Topical CBD products have not only become an alternative to many traditional treatment methods but also a part of daily self-care practices. Here are some of the most commonly used topical CBD products:

    1. CBD Balm: This product is particularly suitable for sensitive skin. CBD balms, often enriched with essential oils, provide a pleasant relaxing effect after a long day. They penetrate tired shoulders, feet, or other body parts easily, acting as a gentle aid in alleviating fatigue.
    2. CBD Massage Oil: This is an excellent choice for those seeking complete body relaxation. CBD massage oils usually have a high concentration of CBD extract, which helps users recover faster. The unique composition of this product, featuring various vitamin complexes, ensures maximum CBD benefits.
    3. CBD Lotion: Designed for daily use, its rich but non-greasy texture is ideally suited for moisturizing dry and sensitive skin.
    4. CBD Face Cream: Unlike regular CBD oil, CBD face cream features a light, non-comedogenic formula suitable even for the most sensitive facial skin. This ensures deep facial skin nourishment.
    5. CBD Night Serum: This product is ideal for the evening skincare routine. Rich in plant extracts such as calendula, chamomile, and passionflower, it enhances the antioxidant properties of the hemp extract and is particularly beneficial for dry skin types.

    How to Use Topical CBD Products

    The benefits of using CBD topically are invaluable, especially when addressing musculoskeletal issues. In 2019, the Arthritis Foundation conducted a survey involving 2,600 people with arthritis. An impressive 79% of them considered CBD as a potential complementary treatment for their condition or had already been using it for some time. This clearly indicates that topical CBD can play a crucial role in alleviating arthritis symptoms. For instance, 29% of the respondents in the study reported using CBD to ease arthritis symptoms, and among those, 55% chose topical CBD products such as CBD gel applied directly to affected joints.

    Many participants in the mentioned study, who suffer from osteoarthritis and experience persistent body aches, are increasingly inclined to try topical CBD products. Seeking alternative pain relief methods, these individuals are discovering CBD pain patches, CBD lotions, and other topical CBD products.

    It's also worth mentioning that CBD is beneficial for people with eczema and psoriasis. Moreover, the growing role of CBD in various cosmetics and skincare products should not be overlooked. Combined with other beneficial ingredients, CBD can help combat skin aging and has anti-inflammatory properties.

    Using CBD topically

    Topical CBD Use: Potential Side Effects

    Topical CBD use is generally suitable for most individuals. However, there are instances where some people may experience allergies caused by terpenes or other ingredients present in CBD products. Topical CBD use can lead to the following side effects:
    • Mild skin swelling;
    • Redness in certain skin areas;
    • Increased sensitivity or itching in specific skin areas.
    Before applying CBD to larger skin areas, such as massaging specific body parts with CBD gels or lotions for joint or muscle pain relief, as well as using CBD cosmetics for facial skin care, it is always recommended to first test these products on a small skin area to ensure you do not experience an allergic reaction when using CBD.

    Topical CBD is safe to use

    To close out this article, it is important to say that even though the research on using a CBD topical is still emerging, there’s been zero evidence that it could be harmful. So, it’s best to try CBD and see how it works for your body.

    Dažnai užduodami klausimai

    Kaip veikia CBD vartojimas išoriškai?

    Išoriškai vartojamas CBD yra tepamas tiesiai ant odos, kadangi taip jis pasiekia konkrečius kanabinoidų receptorius, esančius odos paviršiuje, bei suteikia stiprų ir tikslingą poveikį tam tikrai probleminei sričiai, pavyzdžiui, jis gali būti naudojamas siekiant numalšinti raumenų ir sąnarių uždegimus.

    Kokia yra CBD vartojimo išoriškai nauda?

    CBD vartojimas išoriškai yra veiksmingas malšinant vietinį skausmą, mažinant uždegimą ir patinimą bei gali būti naudojamas odos priežiūrai, įskaitant gydymą nuo egzemos ir psoriazės. CBD, vartojamas išoriškai, taip pat gali pakeisti ir odos regeneraciją bei senėjimo procesus stabdančią kosmetiką dėl savo priešuždegiminių ir antioksidacinių savybių, kurias įrodė moksliniai tyrimai.

    Ar yra šalutinių poveikių vartojant CBD išoriškai?

    Nors išoriškai vartojamas CBD paprastai yra saugus ir gerai toleruojamas daugelio suaugusių žmonių, kai kuriems iš jų gali pasireikšti lengvos alerginės reakcijos, pavyzdžiui, odos patinimas, paraudimas ir niežėjimas, ypač, jeigu žmogus yra alergiškas kažkuriai iš CBD produkto sudedamųjų dalių, pvz., terpenams. CBD naudojant išoriškai pirmą kartą rekomenduojama išbandyti produktą mažame odos plote bei stebėti odos reakciją į CBD.

    Kaip išsirinkti tinkamą vietinio poveikio CBD produktą?

    Renkantis išorinio vartojimo CBD produktą, svarbu atkreipti dėmesį į produkto sudėtį, CBD koncentraciją, gamintojo patikimumą ir tai, ar produktas yra skirtas konkretiems jūsų poreikiams (pvz., skausmo malšinimui, odos priežiūrai). Pavyzdžiui, CBD balzamas gali padėti atsipalaiduoti po sunkios dienos ir ypatingai tinka jautriai odai, o CBD pleistrai nuo skausmo padės numalšinti įsitempusių raumenų skausmą po intensyvios treniruotės ar kitos fizinės veiklos bei patirtų traumų.

    Kaip naudoti vietinio poveikio CBD produktus?

    Vietinio poveikio CBD produktai turėtų būti naudojami ant pageidaujamo švarios odos ploto, kur jaučiamas skausmas, diskomfortas, patinimas ir pan. Visuomet rekomenduojama pradėti nuo mažo produkto kiekio, kurį galima didinti palaipsniui, ir stebėti organizmo reakciją į CBD.