<tc>Hemp events all over the world: take a closer look</tc>

Various fairs, spectacular music festivals and conferences: hemp-themed events are currently one of the fastest growing entertainment and educational events worldwide. In this article, we invite you to take a closer look at various events that show the trend of rapidly growing interest in hemp, and maybe even push you to attend one of them.

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    Note: This and other articles on Hempo's blog are for informational purposes only. According to the directive of the European Commission, cannabidiol is classified as a 'novel food', therefore CBD products should not be used as a food supplement in Lithuania.

    Kanapiu renginiai pasaulyje Hempo

    Spain: "Spannabis" - the largest hemp fair in the world

    Let's start with Europe, and probably the biggest festival dedicated to hemp. Every spring, the 3-day Spannabis fair brings together hemp growers and enthusiasts, as well as all the most prominent business representatives of the sector, to Barcelona. Doctors, scientists and even politicians come here to organize conferences that review the latest developments in the sector, which attract extremely large numbers of participants. The Hemp Cup held at the fair, where a special prize is awarded to the grower with the highest CBD amount of hemp, also attracts special attention every year.

    Italy: Bologna "Indica Sativa Trade" - special focus on hemp seeds

    Bologna's Indica Sativa Trade fair, which takes place not far from Barcelona, ​​but on the other side of the Mediterranean, highlights the importance of hemp cultivation and the social aspects associated with it. So, in addition to the abundant presence of hemp growers, who are given considerable attention here, the "Indica Sativa Trade" exhibition makes it a matter of honor to discuss hemp from a political, cultural and economic perspective. hemp industry professionals and hemp associations are all contributing to the debate to raise public awareness and one day legalize hemp in Italy.

    Colombia: "ExpoMedeWeed" event representing all of Latin America

    The exhibition "ExpoMedeWeed" describes itself as a trade fair for medical hemp. The hemp festival organized in Medellin, Colombia is the largest in the country and has already become an important event throughout South America. in 2019 it was visited by more than 10,000 visitors, who had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the information stands dedicated to hemp culture, to exchange useful information and experience with each other, and to participate in numerous conferences related to the development of this sector. "ExpoMedeWeed" is a gathering place for hemp industry professionals, where they can expand their circle of acquaintances, find new business partners, purchase CBD products and meet potential investors.

    Jamaica: Stepping High Festival

    Who better than Jamaica to boast its hemp culture and Reggae music? It is these two cultural objects of the country that are honored at the Stepping High festival held annually in Negril, a seaside resort on the west coast of Jamaica. It may seem strange to many, but hemp has been banned in Jamaica since 1913. - precisely for this reason, the Stepping High festival was originally an underground event, the scale and popularity of which increased in 2015., when hemp was decriminalized. For this reason, it is "the oldest hemp music event from the Caribbean" - this is exactly how the festival is described by its organizers.

    Israel: CannaTech Festival - hemp and Technology

    Israel is a leading country when it comes to research and development in the hemp sector. It was Israeli teams that succeeded in isolating both CBD and THC molecules. This country was also one of the first to legalize hemp for medical purposes back in the 1990s. CanaTech is the premier hemp industry gathering to discuss the latest technological and scientific advances in hemp. This event has already managed to become a global phenomenon, as it took place in Switzerland, Australia, Hong Kong, Panama, the United Kingdom and South Africa. Nevertheless, he is still widely known in Tel Aviv, where he is from.

    Nepal: Asia's hemp event reveals the potential of this market

    Asia Hemp Lovers Event Hosted in Kathmandu, Nepal brings together politicians, investors, environmental groups and hemp enthusiasts. Together, they discuss issues related to the development of the hemp industry. It is an international event, but it clearly highlights the potential of the Asian market. Asia is a continent that is still a very small participant in this sector, but with extremely large opportunities for development.

    Australia: activists organize Mardi Grass

    This is an annual hemp festival held in Nimbin, Australia. Open air, accessible to all and completely free, this event brings together hemp lovers and activists with the goal of protesting, educating about hemp and celebrating hemp in all possible forms. The global event "Mardi Grass" aims to contribute to changes in society with joy and good spirits.

    Canada: hemp Exhibition in Montreal

    hemp is legal in Canada, so in recent years there has been an increase in festivals dedicated to it. On the French-speaking side, the hemp Expo in Montreal ("Hemp expo Montreal"), which focuses on business development and is primarily intended for medical hemp growers, is perhaps the most popular. However, this event is no less interesting for ordinary hemp enthusiasts.

    United States of America: Because hemp is not just a man's business

    It's hard to pick just one hemp-related festival in the US because there are so many. Still, Women Grow is special enough to find a place alongside the other discussed hemp events around the world. The main goal of the event is to enable women in the hemp sector to meet, learn and create the future of this sector together.

    World hemp Day (April 20)

    Finally, how can you talk about hemp festivals around the world without mentioning World hemp Day? Many events related to the holiday around the world are organized and take place precisely on April 20. - a day directly related to 420 - a number that has a symbolic meaning for hemp enthusiasts. Admittedly, given the security restrictions associated with COVID-19, most of the events, and the increasing number of amateur and activist meetings, were organized online until recently on this day.

    As you can see, hemp events provide an opportunity for members of the industry to meet other members of the hemp community, make new business connections and meet potential investors who are passionate about this extraordinary plant. In addition to making connections, hemp conferences also share valuable information and the latest knowledge. Finally, exhibitions and other similar events are simply a lot of fun, so we sincerely wish you to visit one of them when you have the opportunity!

    Dažnai užduodami klausimai

    Kokie kanapių renginiai vyksta visame pasaulyje?

    Pagrindiniai kanapių renginiai, vykstantys visame pasaulyje, apima įvairias muges, muzikos ir kitus kultūrinės reikšmės festivalius, kanapių konferencijas ir parodas. Šiuose kanapių renginiuose įvairiais aspektais nagrinėjamos kanapių auginimo subtilybės, diskutuojama apie teisinius niuansus, susijusius su kanapėmis, jų naudojimo medicinoje galimybes ir susipažįstama su naujais produktais bei kitomis rinkos inovacijomis.

    Kas yra kanapių konferencija?

    Kanapių konferencija yra šios srities verslo atstovų susitikimas, kurio metu užmezgamos naujos pažintys, klausoma įvairių šios pramonės ekspertų pranešimų, aptariami aspektai, susiję su kanapių verslo teisiniu reglamentavimu ir dar daugiau. Šie renginiai suteikia galimybę šios rinkos dalyviams artimiau susipažinti su beribiu šio sektoriaus potencialu.

    Kodėl verta dalyvauti kanapių parodose?

    Tai yra puiki galimybė iš arti susipažinti su sparčiai besivystančia kanapių pramone. Dalyvavimas kanapių parodose suteikia visapusišką mokymosi patirtį - jų metu galima susipažinti su naujausiais produktais bei jų gamybos technologijomis.

    Koks kanapių renginys yra laikomas pačiu svarbiausiu?

    "Spannabis" - tai didžiausia kanapių mugė pasaulyje, vykstanti Barselonoje, Ispanijoje. Tai tris dienas trunkantis renginys, kuris kasmet pritraukia tūkstančius kanapių augintojų, entuziastų ir šio sektoriaus verslo atstovų. Mugėje vykstančios konferencijos apžvelgia naujausias sektoriaus tendencijas ir sulaukia itin didelio dalyvių iš viso pasaulio susidomėjimo.

    Kuo svarbi Pasaulinė kanapių diena ir Kanapių kultūros diena Lietuvoje?

    Pasaulinė kanapių diena, minima balandžio 20 d., yra svarbus renginys kanapių bendruomenei visame pasaulyje, skatinantis diskusijas apie kanapių legalizavimą ir visuomenės švietimą šia tema. Lietuvoje Kanapių kultūros diena yra proga susirinkti ir diskutuoti apie kanapių kultūros plėtrą, teisinę aplinką ir galimas permainas šalies kanapių politikoje.