<tc>Heavy metals in CBD products – be careful!</tc>

CBD is a rapidly growing health ‘trend’ worldwide, probably one of the most beneficial natural products on the market for those experiencing multiple issues related to a weaker endocannabinoid system and related conditions. In Lithuania, this compound and its recognition are still gaining momentum, but in the United States, where CBD has been used since 2018, this industry is predicted to be worth as much as 22 billion US dollars by 2023! The legalisation of CBD has resulted in dozens of new companies in Lithuania that have started offering their CBD product lines to the market, however, some of them may not be as ‘clean’ and pure as they claim.

Not all CBD products are the same – some of them may contain harmful substances that affect your health and prevent the effectiveness of CBD. CBD has a reputation for being a natural and holistic (‘it’s all the same’) product, therefore people tend to assume that it is all 100% natural, pure, unadulterated, and that hemp is grown the same way. That’s why it is important to read labels, know what to look for, make sure the CBD product you want to try has been tested by a third-party lab and this information is available on the seller’s website.

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    What are the potential contaminants in CBD?

    Heavy metals, pesticides or synthetic cannabinoids, solvent residues, microbiological contaminants. More information on each of these is given below.

    Pesticides or synthetic cannabinoids

    One of the most dangerous substances that can be found in CBD products is pesticides – these chemicals are used to kill any insects or organisms that harm the growth of hemp. If present on the hemp plant, pesticide residues can be concentrated in the final CBD oil product. Pesticides or synthetic cannabinoids may also be deliberately added to CBD oil to increase yield, weight or potency. Pesticides can cause acute and chronic health effects after prolonged contact with the skin or in the body.

    Solvent residues

    Solvents are used during the production process to extract and isolate active ingredients such as cannabinoids and terpenes from the hemp plant. Some solvents such as CO2 and ethanol are safe, while others such as petroleum, hexane or benzene are toxic. If proper methods are not followed after extraction, residual solvents may remain in the CBD extract and later be absorbed by the body. Repeated exposure to these toxic solvents can have adverse effects on the nervous system, causing fatigue, anxiety, dizziness, nausea, headaches and muscle weakness.

    Safe CBD oil - Hempo

    Heavy metals

    Hemp plants can absorb all the chemicals they come into contact with through soil, water or even the air, meaning that unsanitary practices at various stages of production, storage and distribution can introduce unintended contaminants such as heavy metals. Heavy metals are naturally occurring elements, and while some, such as zinc and iron, are essential nutrients, others, such as mercury, arsenic and lead, are harmful and can be toxic when absorbed in certain amounts.

    Heavy metals and microbiological pollutants

    Microbiological contamination is the non-intended or accidental introduction of microbes such as bacteria, molds, yeasts or fungi into a substance. Depending on how the hemp is harvested, processed and preserved, these micro-organisms can enter the final product and cause a potential health threat, such as a disease or infection.

    In addition to unwanted contaminants, it is also important to make sure that the CBD products you are looking at contain less than 0.2% active THC, the main psychoactive compound in hemp that causes the feeling of high. A product containing more than 0.2% THC cannot be used or sold.

    The Importance of Quality Control for CBD Products

    It is crucial for everyone to understand the importance of quality control in CBD products, especially considering that heavy metals in CBD products are still quite common. Heavy metals such as lead or mercury can significantly affect the efficacy of CBD products and pose health risks. The possibility of heavy metals being present in CBD products underscores that ensuring their quality is not only a regulatory requirement for the market but also a commitment from manufacturers to ensure consumer safety. By implementing strict testing protocols for CBD products, these harmful contaminants can be detected. This is why quality control in CBD production plays a vital role in ensuring that every batch of CBD products meets the highest standards of cannabidiol purity.

    Heavy metals in CBD products are a concern that should be addressed not only by CBD manufacturers but also by consumers. CBD products can become contaminated with heavy metals at various stages of the production process - from hemp cultivation to CBD oil extraction. This contamination risk highlights the need for comprehensive quality control in CBD production. Only by adhering to strict quality assurance measures can manufacturers claim that their products are free from these harmful impurities. Of course, this must be confirmed by third-party laboratory testing.

    Quality control of CBD products is of utmost importance. The standards of cannabidiol purity are the benchmark that manufacturers should follow to produce safe and high-quality CBD products. This is also related to public health protection, ensuring that consumers do not encounter harmful heavy metals in CBD products.

    Choose Organic CBD Products

    Choosing organic CBD products means opting for beneficial products and making a conscious decision to select a natural product. Unlike their non-organic counterparts, organic CBD oil is derived from hemp plants grown without synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, making it purer and more effective. Understanding the difference between organic and non-organic CBD products is important, especially since many people are concerned about heavy metals in CBD products. Heavy metals, often found in soil, can be absorbed by hemp plants and enter the final CBD product. However, organic farming practices significantly reduce this contamination risk, making organic CBD oil a safer choice.

    Moreover, organic CBD products do more than just reduce the risk of harmful substances. These products often contain more beneficial cannabinoids and terpenes because they are made from hemp grown in nutrient-rich soil. This means that by choosing organic CBD oil, you get a stronger and more effective product. Selecting organic CBD products is not just a trend; it is an opportunity to choose a product that ensures the positive effects of cannabidiol and its diverse benefits. Remember that heavy metals in CBD products remain a pressing issue, but the risk can be minimized by choosing organic CBD products.

    Heavy metals in CBD products

    How to Choose Quality CBD Oil

    The most important aspect when choosing a CBD product is its quality. To select quality CBD oil, first always check the product label, which should clearly indicate the CBD content. However, that is not enough - make sure to review the product's laboratory test analyses, which should be publicly available, and confirm that the CBD content matches what is stated on the product label. Avoid products that do not clearly state the cannabidiol content. Additionally, remember that hemp seed oil is not the same as CBD oil - many people end up disappointed when they purchase hemp oil instead of CBD oil due to insufficient information.

    If you choose full-spectrum CBD oil, make sure to check the THC content and ensure it meets your needs (it should not exceed the 0.2% limit). Also, always look for information about other cannabinoids and terpenes present in the CBD oil you intend to purchase. Reliable and reputable CBD product manufacturers provide all this information in third-party laboratory test analyses. Do not forget to check CBD reviews, which will help you learn from the experiences of other users who have already tried specific CBD products. Trusted manufacturers are often characterized by a large number of positive CBD reviews - after all, none of us would want to buy CBD oil whose effectiveness has not yet been verified by any user.

    Heavy metals in CBD products: a summary

    To enjoy the full health benefits of CBD, look for products where the hemp used has been grown in rich, fertile soil, the oil has been produced in a food-grade facility and, most importantly, tested by a trusted third-party lab. Hempo products are made from hemp grown in northern Italy, where the climate is perfect for their growth: lots of sunlight and an average annual humidity level of 70%, so the plants release a lot of beneficial cannabinoids and there’s no need to use any chemicals, pesticides or artificial fertilisers.

    Our mission is to provide quality products so that our community could enjoy a better life. All our products are grown organically and tested by a third-party laboratory. We offer a wide selection of CBD products, including CBD oil and CBD capsules. Soon we will add a topical gel to our range. With our products, you can safely and effectively solve many skin, nail and hair problems.

    Dažnai užduodami klausimai

    Kokie yra galimi CBD teršalai?

    Tai gali būti sunkieji metalai, atsirandantys dėl nehigieniškos praktikos įvairiuose CBD aliejaus gamybos, sandėliavimo ar platinimo etapuose, taip pat pesticidai, jeigu jie yra naudojami auginant pluoštines kanapes, iš kurių vėliau yra išgaunamas CBD aliejus, įvairūs tirpiklių likučiai, naudojami CBD aliejaus ekstrakcijos metu, ar kiti mikrobiologiniai teršalai.

    Kaip sunkieji metalai atsiranda CBD produktuose?

    Sunkieji metalai gali patekti į CBD produktus per kanapių augalus, kurie absorbuoja chemines medžiagas iš dirvožemio, vandens ir oro. Tai reiškia, jog kanapėms, iš kurių vėliau yra gaminamas CBD aliejus, augant užterštoje aplinkoje, jos gali absorbuoti sunkiuosius metalus, kurie vėliau patenka ir į galutinį CBD produktą.

    Kaip nustatyti, jog CBD produktuose nėra sunkiųjų metalų?

    Užtikrinti, jog CBD produktuose nėra sunkiųjų metalų, galima atliekant laboratorinius tyrimus. Būtent dėl šios priežasties visuomet rekomenduojama rinktis tik tuos CBD produktus, kurie buvo patikrinti nepriklausomose trečiųjų šalių laboratorijose. Gamintojai savo interneto svetainėse privalo pateikti išsamius testavimo ataskaitų rezultatus.

    Ar visi CBD produktai yra testuojami dėl sunkiųjų metalų?

    Deja, tačiau ne visi CBD produktai yra testuojami dėl sunkiųjų metalų. Vartotojams rekomenduojama atidžiai išnagrinėti viešai prieinamą produktų testavimo informaciją ir rinktis tik laboratorijose patikrintus CBD produktus.

    Kokią įtaką žmogaus sveikatai gali turėti sunkieji metalai CBD produktuose?

    Sunkieji metalai gali turėti neigiamą poveikį žmogaus sveikatai, įskaitant nervų sistemos pažeidimus, toksiškumą organams ir galimus kancerogeninius poveikius. Trumpai tariant, sunkieji metalai ir kiti teršalai yra toksiški bei gali sukelti ūmų ir lėtinį poveikį sveikatai.