CBD oil for dogs: why should you try it?

With the widespread use of CBD products around the world, pet owners are naturally wondering if CBD oil can be good for dogs.

In this article, we share everything you need to know about the benefits and risks of CBD for dogs.

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    Note: This and other articles on Hempo's blog are for informational purposes only. According to the directive of the European Commission, cannabidiol is classified as a 'novel food', therefore CBD products should not be used as a food supplement in Lithuania.

    What is CBD?

    What is CBD? This question has become one of the main topics related to wellness. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found in the cannabis plant, known for its potential health benefits without the psychoactive effects commonly associated with marijuana (or THC). The effects of CBD oil are diverse, ranging from pain relief to anxiety reduction, making this natural substance increasingly a subject of scientific health research worldwide.

    The versatility of CBD is confirmed by its various uses. From topical CBD products to CBD cosmetics, its adaptability makes CBD a suitable choice for a wide range of wellness needs. However, it is always crucial to choose only the highest quality CBD products, as not all manufacturers, even those who seem reliable at first glance, sell safe, third-party lab-tested CBD products.

    CBD oil for dogs - what is important to know?

    CBD is one of over a hundred different chemical compounds known as ‘cannabinoids’ found in hemp plants. While the benefits of CBD are widely known, this cannabinoid is sometimes mistakenly confused with another popular chemical compound, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

    Both of these products are popular, but have very different effects. THC is a hallucinogen with intoxicating properties, and there is no consensus on its benefits and risks. THC is illegal in Lithuania and many other countries because of the potential risks.

    Veterinarians warn you should never give THC products to dogs and other pets. The psychoactive effects of this cannabinoid in animals have not been properly studied and can pose serious risks to the pet’s health and even life.

    Meanwhile CBD, or cannabidiol, is a totally different story. It is a cannabinoid that does not have intoxicating, depressant or other psychoactive properties. It is valued for its soothing, anti-inflammatory effects. Experts say that CBD-based products can help improve your dog’s quality of life.


    Why is CBD oil a good choice for dogs?

    CBD is often recognised for its benefits in the treatment of various conditions, including pain, arthritis, aggression, anxiety, seizures and even cancer. Considerable practical and scientific evidence supports the benefits of cannabidiol for pets.

    Here are some cases where you should try CBD.


    Osteoarthritis, often abbreviated as arthritis, is a degenerative disease that affects the joints: they wear out, become immobile, stiff and painful. It becomes difficult for the pet to move or run. Joint pain significantly affects the pet’s quality of life.

    Unfortunately, this is one of the most common inflammatory conditions in dogs. One in four dogs will be diagnosed with arthritis in their lifetime, and by some estimates, as many as 60% of dogs exhibit some degree of the disease.

    Research has shown that CBD can provide substantial pain relief in dogs with arthritis. CBD oil should be given twice a day at appropriate doses. Before doing so, consult with your veterinarian.


    In dogs, seizures can be triggered by many underlying conditions, but epilepsy is a fairly common cause, just like in humans.

    It is a neurological disorder characterised by recurrent attacks of the central nervous system, sometimes convulsions or loss of consciousness. It is a chronic disease you have to live with for the rest of your life.

    Studies show that CBD oil can benefit dogs with epilepsy. Research has shown that CBD can significantly reduce the strength and intensity of seizures.


    Like seizures, the term ‘cancer’ is an umbrella term for many oncological diseases. Each has its own treatment options and CBD will not replace them. However, it can significantly improve the quality of life of a dog with cancer. Many studies have been conducted with people suffering from oncological diseases. CBD has been found to help with secondary symptoms of cancer and chemotherapy, such as:

    • nausea;
    • lack of appetite;
    • dehydration;
    • pain;
    • fatigue, insomnia;
    • general weakness.

    While research on the use of CBD in dogs with cancer is still limited, the apparent benefits of cannabidiol have been found by tests on rats and ferrets. It suggests that dogs undergoing chemotherapy may benefit just as much from CBD treatment.


    Stress and anxiety is a condition that often affects dogs. It can arise for many reasons, the most common of which are changes in the daily routine, e.g. the owner’s departure, a change of environment, the appearance of a new pet at home, etc. A disease, inflammation or other ailment can also provoke anxiety in a pet.

    In any case, CBD oil is beneficial in managing canine anxiety. In theory, it’s possible that by reducing pain and inflammation, CBD could indirectly reduce anxiety caused by pain or inflammation.

    What do vets say about CBD?

    Many veterinarians around the world are increasingly talking about the potential benefits of CBD oil for pets. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association, as many as 74% of veterinarians surveyed confirmed that they have successfully treated pets for immune diseases, digestive disorders and aggression using CBD. Well-known veterinarian Gary Richter said, "CBD shows great potential in the treatment of various health problems in pets. However, be sure to consult your veterinarian regarding dosage before starting treatment. Veterinarians especially warn to avoid universal CBD products, as they may contain the cannabinoid THC, which is harmful to pets. Dr. Lori Teller, a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, advises, "Choose only pet-specific, THC-free CBD products and consult with your veterinarian, especially if your pet is already on other medications."

    In short, veterinarians are becoming increasingly optimistic about the benefits of CBD, but stress the importance of choosing THC-free products for pets and consulting with specialists.

    Different types of CBD oil

    • Full-spectrum CBD oil. It includes the full spectrum of cannabinoids found in the hemp plant and contains very small quantities of the hallucinogen THC. This product is perfect for humans, but since it also contains THC, it may not be the right choice for your pet.
    • Broad-spectrum CBD oil. It’s a CBD extract that contains all the other beneficial cannabinoids except THC. This product is just as safe, but has a stronger, more intense effect than CBD isolate. If you want to give your pet CBD, you should consider using this particular type of extract.
    • CBD isolate. It’s the simplest and purest form of CBD. Pure CBD isolate products do not contain other cannabinoids, flavonoids and terpenes, also derived from the hemp plant. Of all the three different types of oil, CBD isolate has the mildest and weakest effects.


    Does CBD oil have any potential risks for dogs?

    CBD is a natural component that is completely safe for dogs and other pets, such as cats, when given in safe, measured doses after consultation with a vet.

    That being said, there are reports of CBD side effects such as drowsiness, slow movement, constipation or diarrhea, but these symptoms usually occur when a pet gets more than the recommended dose of CBD. These effects are temporary and go away on their own.

    CBD can interact with certain medications given to your dog, so you should inform your vet about the use of cannabidiol. Your vet will assess your pet, consider the risks and tell you what doses of CBD oil are safe and effective in dogs.


    We hope this article has helped you answer the question of how CBD oil can benefit dogs. This article explores the potential benefits and risks of using CBD oil in dogs, highlights the differences between THC and CBD, and discusses the four main scenarios in which CBD oil may be beneficial for dogs, including arthritis pain relief, seizure management, cancer symptom reduction and anxiety relief. It is important to note that many veterinarians are also optimistic about the potential benefits of CBD for pets. So, CBD oil for dogs is definitely a safe and sensible choice!

    Dažnai užduodami klausimai

    Kodėl CBD aliejus šunims yra geras pasirinkimas?

    CBD aliejus šunims yra efektyvus gydant įvairias šunų ligas bei sveikatos sutrikimus, pvz., artritą, epilepsijos ar kitų susirgimų sukeltus traukulius, vėžį ir nerimą. Jis mažina skausmą, padeda sumažinti uždegiminius procesus augintinio organizme ir padeda kontroliuoti įvairius kitus augintinių patiriamus nemalonius pojūčius, taip gerindamas šunų gyvenimo kokybę.

    Kaip CBD aliejus šunims veikia artritą?

    Moksliniai tyrimai rodo, kad CBD aliejus šunims gali efektyviai malšinti artrito sukeltą skausmą, pagerindamas jų judrumą ir bendrą savijautą. Reguliariai vartojamas CBD aliejus šunims mažina sąnarių skausmą ir uždegimą.

    Kaip CBD aliejus šunims veikia traukulius?

    CBD aliejus šunims gali sumažinti traukulių dažnumą ir intensyvumą šunims, sergantiems epilepsija ar kitomis neurologinėmis ligomis. CBD veikia centrinę nervų sistemą ir gali padėti stabilizuoti neuronų veiklą.

    Kaip CBD aliejus šunims veikia vėžinius susirgimus?

    Nors CBD neturėtų būti laikomas vaistu nuo vėžio, jis gali padėti sumažinti chemoterapijos ir kitų onkologinių ligų gydymo būdų sukeltus šalutinius poveikius, pvz., pykinimą, apetito stoką, skausmą ir nuovargį.

    Kaip CBD aliejus šunims veikia nerimą?

    CBD aliejus turi raminantį poveikį ir gali būti naudojamas norint sumažinti šunų patiriamą nerimą, kurį sukelia įvairūs išorinės aplinkos pokyčiai - atsiskyrimas nuo šeimininkų kuriam laikui, vizitai pas veterinarijos gydytojus ar pan.