CBD oil and multiple sclerosis - how cannabidiol can stop the progression of the disease

Research to date and ongoing studies show that cannabidiol (CBD) can help alleviate some forms of multiple sclerosis, so CBD oil and multiple sclerosis is indeed a topic worthy of attention. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease of the central nervous system, which manifests itself in its own way for each person, the course of which is often unpredictable. Although there is no universal treatment that can be applied to this disease, the drugs used can slow down the progression of the disease and alleviate some of its symptoms.

The purpose of this article is to share the latest information about CBD oil and multiple sclerosis. It discusses how CBD affects the human body, how multiple sclerosis symptoms can be alleviated using CBD oil, and how it should be used.

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    Note: This and other articles on Hempo's blog are for informational purposes only. According to the directive of the European Commission, cannabidiol is classified as a 'novel food', therefore CBD products should not be used as a food supplement in Lithuania.

    CBD aliejus ir išsėtinė sklerozė

    What is multiple sclerosis?

    Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks and destroys myelin, the protective layer that covers nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Because of this, multiple sclerosis causes a variety of symptoms that vary from person to person, depending on which parts of the nerves are damaged and how severe the damage is.

    Without proper treatment, MS can progress quickly enough. Often, the symptoms of this disease are characterized by a certain periodicity - they intensify at a certain time (relapse cycle), and then disappear for a while (remission cycle). The main symptoms of multiple sclerosis include numbness, tingling, vision problems, muscle spasticity and spasms, pain, fatigue, weakness, and limited movement.

    Although the causes of multiple sclerosis are still not fully understood, scientific studies based on the model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) have shown that that this condition may be caused by antigen-associated T cells (T lymphocytes). These cells, having penetrated the blood-brain barrier, can cause neuroinflammation, which leads to the destruction of myelin cells and can sometimes even lead to paralysis.

    Multiple Sclerosis and the Immune System

    When a person has multiple sclerosis, their immune system is directed against the myelin sheath. This autoimmune attack causes inflammation and damage in the body that can disrupt the transmission of nerve signals responsible for coordinating movement, breathing, thinking, and other important functions.

    The intensity of symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis depends on where and how severely the myelin sheath is damaged. Although the symptoms of MS can vary, the most common are fatigue, muscle weakness or tension, and trouble thinking.

    Cannabinoids and the immune system

    Cannabinoids are a group of natural chemical compounds found in the hemp plant. The most popular cannabinoids are THC, which causes psychoactive effects, and CBD, which does not have such effects and has many benefits for health and well-being. Cannabinoids in our body interact with cannabinoid receptors in the brain and immune system, which are part of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system is responsible for regulating inflammation, immunity, movement control, and pain management – ​​areas that are often affected by multiple sclerosis.

    This complex mechanism explains why CBD oil may be useful in relieving the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Cannabinoids effectively reduce inflammation and moderate the immune system, so CBD oil is extremely valued by those seeking to alleviate MS symptoms.

    How does CBD affect the body?

    CBD affects our body by acting through the endocannabinoid system, which is like a signaling network that regulates our motility, stress response, mood, and pain and inflammation processes in the body. Because of its chemical structure, CBD resembles endocannabinoids produced naturally in the body, which help reduce pain and stress and improve mood. Using CBD oil for multiple sclerosis can promote these positive effects, and scientific studies have found CBD to have anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effects.

    CBD Oil and Multiple Sclerosis: What Are The Benefits

    Recent research shows that cannabinoids, including CBD, have the potential to alleviate several symptoms caused by multiple sclerosis, such as pain and unwanted muscle tension (spasticity).

    Additional research has highlighted the benefits of CBD oil in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Here are some highlights:

    • A scientific review conducted in 2018 reveals that CBD oil reduces pain, fatigue, inflammation, depression, and spasticity in multiple sclerosis while improving range of motion in patients with MS. The researchers emphasized that the recommendation of CBD oil for individuals with multiple sclerosis is reasonable;
    • A scientific review published in 2014 claims that the CBD-based spray Sativex is effective in reducing pain, spasticity and increased need to urinate in multiple sclerosis;
    • Two separate medical reviews conducted in 2021 state that when studying the properties of CBD, it was observed that CBD oil affects the regulation of the immune system, reducing the autoimmune response that is directly related to multiple sclerosis symptoms. Although additional research is still needed in the area of ​​CBD oil and multiple sclerosis, these findings open the door to future uses of CBD oil and other CBD products not only for the relief of MS symptoms, but also for slowing the progression of the disease.

    CBD Oil and Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

    Multiple sclerosis is also known as a disease in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the myelin sheaths of nerves in the brain and throughout the body, disrupting the way they communicate with each other in the body. It causes symptoms such as numbness in the limbs, muscle spasticity that makes movement difficult, pain, problems walking and cognitive impairment.

    Although CBD oil and multiple sclerosis are still being researched, many people with the disease are using CBD oil to relieve their MS symptoms. One global study found that multiple sclerosis is among the top five conditions that make people most likely to use the CBD-based drug Sativex to treat inflammation, pain and other symptoms caused by the disease.

    CBD's effectiveness is thought to be related to its ability to bind to certain receptors in the brain, changing their response to different stimuli. It can reduce inflammation and optimize brain function.

    Most researchers say that CBD oil can be helpful in alleviating the following symptoms of MS:

    • Fatigue;
    • Pain;
    • Inflammation;
    • Depression;
    • Muscle stiffness;
    • Other movement problems.


    Multiple sclerosis is a condition that causes persistent inflammation in the central nervous system, which can cause a variety of symptoms such as pain and fatigue. This inflammation in the brain and spinal cord occurs due to damage to myelin, the protective layer of nerve cells.

    CBD is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can help reduce inflammation and, consequently, pain. Additionally, scientific research suggests that CBD may have the potential to slow disease progression by reducing neuroinflammation.


    The majority, i.e. about 2 out of 3 people with multiple sclerosis experience debilitating pain. These pains range from headaches to neuropathic pain that resembles pins and needles, back pain and muscle spasms.

    CBD oil offers hope for pain relief from different types of MS. Studies have shown that CBD, taken in combination with some other opioid medications, can significantly improve patients' quality of life: After eight weeks of CBD use, half of study participants had reduced frequency of opioid medication use or even stopped using opioids altogether.

    CBD aliejus ir išsėtinė sklerozė

    Muscle spasticity

    Muscle tension and involuntary spasms are common symptoms of multiple sclerosis, which are caused by impaired signaling pathways in the brain and spinal cord. Spasticity in multiple sclerosis does not come from the muscles themselves, but from the central nervous system. Research shows that CBD has the potential to modify these signaling pathways in the brain and spinal cord, which may mean it can alter muscle control pathways as well. Such interventions on central nervous system pathways could reduce muscle spasticity in MS patients and have a positive effect on their mobility.

    CBD oil is effective in individuals with multiple sclerosis due to its ability to reduce muscle spasticity, pain, and other symptoms associated with the condition. Management of muscle spasticity can improve mobility in MS patients, giving them freedom of movement and contributing to a better quality of life.


    Fatigue can eventually become a profound feeling of exhaustion that significantly impairs the quality of life of people with MS and makes daily activities difficult. In multiple sclerosis, the body's immune system works harder than usual, causing inflammation that increases feelings of fatigue.

    CBD has been found to be effective in reducing inflammation, which can help reduce fatigue. Thus, by reducing the inflammatory process, CBD makes it possible for people with multiple sclerosis to experience less fatigue, helping them to restore a more active and quality life.


    Depression is a common distressing condition for people with multiple sclerosis. People with MS are more likely to develop depression than the general population.

    CBD is constantly being studied by scientists as a potential antidepressant. The effect of CBD on depression is based on its direct interaction with the endocannabinoid system, which plays a crucial role in the regulation of human mood. In addition, CBD can have a positive effect on mood indirectly, i.e. by reducing pain and other unwanted symptoms - it improves general well-being and emotional state.

    Using CBD for Multiple Sclerosis

    In order to choose the most suitable CBD product for multiple sclerosis, it is important to familiarize yourself with the different types of CBD. The most effective is full-spectrum CBD, as it contains not only CBD, but also other beneficial compounds, e.g., terpenes or flavonoids, and other cannabinoids, but currently you can also choose broad-spectrum CBD, which contains no THC at all, or CBD isolate - pure cannabidiol. Full-spectrum CBD products are known to have a "Entourage effect", which can enhance the effectiveness of CBD due to the presence of additional cannabinoids in them.

    Before starting to take CBD for multiple sclerosis, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional to help you choose the right CBD product. Given that multiple sclerosis manifests itself in many ways, the measures used to treat this disease can be individualized. It's also worth discussing CBD with your doctor so you can find out how it might interact with other medications you're taking.

    It is always important to start with the lowest dose and gradually increase it - this will help you find the optimal amount of CBD needed to achieve the desired effect. The daily dose of CBD can range from 2 mg to 200 mg (to relieve extremely intense symptoms).

    Possible Side Effects of CBD for Multiple Sclerosis

    CBD is generally considered a safe choice. However, it is important to mention that CBD, like other health remedies, can cause minor side effects in some people, including dry mouth, drowsiness, dizziness or decreased blood pressure. These side effects, which are usually very mild, go away on their own over time. In order to avoid them, it is important to choose only the highest quality CBD products, tested by third-party laboratories, as well as to follow the consumption recommendations specified by the manufacturer.

    CBD is known to interact with some prescription medications, so it is important to consult a healthcare professional before taking CBD. It is known that about 20% of patients in the US choose CBD oil for multiple sclerosis, so doctors can really provide valuable advice to MS patients - we have no doubt that our country's healthcare professionals could also provide valuable recommendations about CBD for multiple sclerosis. sclerosis.

    CBD Oil and Multiple Sclerosis: Final Thoughts

    CBD has a positive effect on our endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for regulating various body functions and maintaining homeostasis. Scientists have already managed to make sure that CBD is an effective tool in the fight against the problems caused by multiple sclerosis - pain, fatigue, muscle contractions, inflammation and even depression. Nevertheless, the use of CBD can sometimes cause certain side effects, so before starting to use CBD oil for multiple sclerosis, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, who will help you evaluate another important nuance - the interaction of CBD with the drugs you are already using. CBD oil and multiple sclerosis is a combination worth noting. We hope this article has answered many of your questions about CBD and multiple sclerosis.

    Dažnai užduodami klausimai

    Kas yra išsėtinė sklerozė?

    Išsėtinė sklerozė (IS) yra autoimuninė būklė, kurios metu imuninė sistema puola mieliną (apsauginį nervų ląstelių sluoksnį), sutrikdydama nervų signalų perdavimą. Tai sukelia įvairius nemalonius simptomus, pvz., galūnių tirpimą, dilgčiojimą, raumenų spazmus ir judėjimo problemas.

    Kuo yra naudingas CBD aliejus nuo išsėtinės sklerozės?

    CBD aliejus gali sumažinti uždegimą, skausmą, raumenų spastiškumą ir padėti suvaldyti depresiją bei nuovargį, o tai yra vieni iš pagrindinių išsėtinės sklerozės simptomų. CBD aliejus nuo išsėtinės sklerozės veikia organizmo endokanabinoidinę sistemą (EKS), reguliuojančią uždegimo ir skausmo procesus.

    Ką apie CBD aliejų nuo išsėtinės sklerozės sako moksliniai tyrimai?

    Yra nemažai mokslinių tyrimų ir apžvalgų, rodančių, kad CBD aliejus gali efektyviai mažinti skausmą, spastiškumą ir kitus išsėtinės sklerozės simptomus. Pavyzdžiui, CBD pagrindu pagamintas vaistinis preparatas-purškalas “Sativex”, efektyviai mažina skausmą ir raumenų spastiškumą.

    Kaip CBD aliejus nuo išsėtinės sklerozės veikia žmogaus imuninę sistemą?

    CBD aliejus moduliuoja imuninę sistemą, mažindamas autoimuninį atsaką, kuris yra tiesiogiai susijęs su išsėtinės sklerozės simptomais. Tai padeda sumažinti neurouždegimą ir gali sulėtinti ligos progresavimą.

    Kaip išsirinkti tinkamą CBD aliejų nuo išsėtinės sklerozės?

    Rekomenduojama rinktis pilno spektro CBD aliejų, kurio sudėtyje yra ne tik CBD, bet ir kitų kanabinoidų ir terpenų. Pilno spektro CBD aliejus pasižymi stipresniu poveikiu dėl sukeliamo "Palydos efekto". Prieš pradedant naudoti CBD aliejų nuo išsėtinės sklerozės, svarbu pasikonsultuoti su gydytoju, kadangi CBD gali sąveikauti su kitais vaistais.