<tc>Hemp tea: everything you need to know</tc>

Hemp tea is well known for its calming effects on the body and mind. Many people who use CBD products also include other hemp-based foods, such as hemp tea, in their diet. However, many people wonder if drinking hemp tea is safe, legal and beneficial.

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    Kanapių arbata

    What is hemp tea?

    Hemp comes from the Cannabis sativa plant, and its various parts are used to make various food, cosmetic and hygiene products. For example, you may have tasted hemp seeds or used hemp-based soap. This plant can also be used to make hemp tea, which many people appreciate for its calming effects.

    Hemp tea is similar to any other herbal tea in that dry hemp is usually infused with boiling water. Dry hemp leaves or flower buds can be used for hemp tea, although sometimes people add hemp seeds or even parts of the root to this tea. When making hemp tea, it is recommended to strain out the solids, and then you can enjoy the aromatic tea. Hemp tea is greenish-brown in color and has a slightly bitter taste. Some people like to add other flavoring ingredients or sweeteners like lemon, honey or sugar to their hemp tea.

    Fermented Hemp Leaf Tea

    Fermented hemp leaf tea is gaining more and more attention for its unique benefits. Hemp tea is obtained by carefully fermenting hemp leaves, the production process combines the advantages of plant fermentation and reveals the natural properties of hemp. Unlike normal hemp tea production, fermented hemp tea involves natural chemical processes that increase the amount of biologically active compounds in hemp tea. The fermentation process not only gives fermented hemp leaf tea its unique taste, but also enhances the health benefits of hemp tea, making fermented hemp leaf tea a common choice for hemp tea enthusiasts.

    Fermented hemp tea has anti-inflammatory properties, making it an excellent drink for those seeking relief from various inflammatory conditions. Fermented hemp tea provides a calming effect that helps restore balance in everyday life and improve overall well-being. It is rich in its composition - it is rich in beneficial cannabinoids and terpenes, which act synergistically to ensure a positive effect on health and well-being.

    Fermented hemp leaf tea is more digestible than regular hemp tea - this is due to the fibers in it, which are formed during the fermentation process. People who enjoy fermented hemp leaf tea and consume it regularly can expect a more efficient absorption of health-enhancing elements.

    In summary, fermented hemp leaf tea has even greater health benefits than regular hemp tea or other herbal teas. Fermented hemp leaf tea is a great all-natural solution for health and well-being. Whether you are new to hemp tea or a fan of different types of hemp tea, the unique composition and health benefits of fermented hemp leaf tea make it a valuable addition to your wellness routine.

    Brief summary

    Cannabis sativa plant type is usually used for hemp tea - hemp leaves or flower-buds, brewed with boiling water. It has a greenish-brown color and a slightly bitter taste - many people appreciate hemp tea for its calming effect.

    Does hemp tea contain THC?

    One of the most common questions about hemp tea is whether it contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is the main psychoactive cannabinoid in the hemp plant, from which marijuana is derived. THC is exactly the substance that causes the feeling of intoxication.

    Hemp is sometimes confused with marijuana, but it is not the same. Both hemp and marijuana are rich in cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that is often used in cosmetics, to reduce anxiety, improve sleep, pain, boost immunity, improve circulation and more.

    While fiber hemp may contain traces of THC, marijuana contains much more. The amount of THC in fiber hemp is not high enough to cause psychoactive effects, i.e. intoxication. It is established that hemp cannot contain more than 0.3% THC.

    For this reason, hemp fiber is grown for recreational and medicinal purposes, such as teas or other food products and personal hygiene products. CBD products and hemp tea can be consumed legally as long as they do not exceed the national THC content limit - in many European countries this limit is 0.2%.

    Does hemp tea contain CBD?

    If you're interested in hemp tea, you've probably already wondered if hemp tea contains CBD? Hemp tea, which comes from hemp leaves and flowers, naturally contains a variety of cannabinoids in varying concentrations. One of the main cannabinoids also found in hemp tea is CBD, which is known for its potential therapeutic benefits and does not cause the psychoactive effects associated with another cannabinoid, THC.

    When considering whether hemp tea contains CBD, it should be noted that the amount of CBD in hemp tea depends primarily on the parts of the hemp plant used in the tea mixture. Usually, hemp leaves and flowers are used to make hemp tea, which also has a higher concentration of CBD. Although hemp tea may contain CBD, the amount of CBD in hemp tea is generally lower compared to other CBD products. This low level of CBD makes hemp tea a great choice for those looking to experience the mild effects of cannabinoids.

    Many hemp tea users report that they feel calm and relaxed after drinking hemp tea containing CBD. These user insights perfectly mirror the already known calming properties of CBD, suggesting that hemp tea can be a useful natural remedy for managing stress and anxiety symptoms.

    However, when it comes to the effects of hemp tea, it is important to mention that although hemp tea is known to promote relaxation and provide a subtle sense of calm, the exact effects may vary from person to person and from the specific type of hemp tea. Hemp tea can also be useful for balancing mood swings and improving sleep quality.

    Hemp Tea Uses and Potential Health Effects

    Hemp tea is primarily used to calm the mind and body. Its ability to promote relaxation is largely due to its presence of the non-psychoactive cannabinoid CBD (cannabidiol) and other biologically active compounds. However, keep in mind that the amount of CBD in hemp tea is likely much lower than what has been found in studies analyzing the effects of CBD. Drinking hemp tea alone may not produce a strong effect.

    Hemp tea has been researched to be beneficial for the following reasons:

    • It is caffeine-free: Hemp tea, unlike some other types of tea, does not contain caffeine. This means it won't make you jittery or have trouble falling asleep, unlike some other caffeinated beverages.
    • Can help you sleep: CBD can help calm your mind and be used to improve sleep quality. In fact, some studies have found that CBD can improve sleep quality in people with certain conditions, such as, Parkinson.
    • Can help reduce anxiety: CBD in hemp can help improve anxiety symptoms. In one study, participants were given a dose of 150 mg, 300 mg, or 600 mg of CBD before public speaking. Participants who received the 300 mg dose had the greatest reduction in anxiety compared to other doses and placebo (treatment without CBD). However, regular hemp tea probably contains much less CBD than the samples used in this study.
    • May relieve chronic pain: There is limited evidence that CBD can help reduce pain. Some studies show that in some cases, taking CBD can help reduce the need for medically prescribed opioids. However, the amount of CBD in hemp tea is unlikely to produce such a strong effect.
    • May help support heart function: CBD and other compounds in hemps, such as, terpenes, may help reduce high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease. They may also have anti-inflammatory effects that may benefit the heart.

    Hemp tea is a great decaffeinated way to enjoy the benefits of CBD, such as for better sleep or pain relief, as well as general relaxation.

    Brief summary

    Hemp tea contains CBD and other compounds like terpenes that have been shown to support heart health, relieve chronic pain, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep. Also, hemp is naturally caffeine-free.

    Possible Disadvantages and Side Effects of Hemp Tea

    If you've never used hemp before, it's best to start slowly and in moderation, as new foods can affect everyone's body differently. Hemp and CBD are generally considered safe - the risk of serious side effects is low. However, some studies have reported side effects such as diarrhea, fatigue, or unplanned changes in appetite among participants taking CBD.

    You should avoid hemp tea if you are taking certain medications, as hemp tea can inhibit the effects of these medications. For example, heart failure medications such as digoxin can be used to improve the strength of the heartbeat but slow down the overall heart rate. Hemp can further slow the heart rate, which can be dangerous for a person taking these drugs. Also, since hemp can deplete potassium, you should avoid it if you take diuretics, which can also promote potassium loss. Diuretics, such as furosemide, reduce the amount of fluid in the body.

    CBD can also interact with drugs used to control seizures and electrical activity in the brain, such as clobazam, which is used for epilepsy. In addition, CBD can interact with certain antidepressants and pain medications. It is always best to consult a healthcare professional before adding hemp tea or other CBD products to your diet or health routine. They can help identify potential risks of drug interactions with CBD products or let you know if there are other reasons why you might be better off avoiding these products.

    Brief summary

    The CBD in hemp tea can interact with certain medications, such as those that promote fluid loss, as well as those that are used to control epileptic seizures or treat pain and depression. Hemp can also cause diarrhea, fatigue and changes in appetite in some people.

    Hemp tea during pregnancy, while breastfeeding and for the babies

    Hemp tea is a natural remedy that expectant mothers often want to try. However, hemp tea during pregnancy and while breastfeeding still raises questions. Hemp tea during pregnancy has gained attention as a potential stress-relieving and health-enhancing agent, but it is important to fully understand its effects. Although many emphasize that the sedative effects of hemp tea during pregnancy can be beneficial, there is still not enough information on this issue. Doctors generally recommend avoiding any substance that has an unknown effect on fetal development during pregnancy, and hemp tea falls into this category. The components of hemp tea can enter the body through the placenta, and the possible effects on the baby are not completely clear.

    When it comes to hemp tea while breastfeeding, the first thing to consider is how the ingredients in hemp tea can affect breast milk. Doctors usually recommend caution and avoiding hemp tea for babies. Babies' bodies are sensitive and developing, so the use of any substance whose effects on the body have not been fully studied may be unsafe.

    In summary, although hemp tea has some benefits as a natural remedy, hemp tea during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been fully studied. Always consult a healthcare professional before adding hemp tea or similar natural remedies to your routine during these important stages of life. The lack of extensive research in these areas only proves once again that safety and expert advice should be prioritized.

    CBD vartojimas nėštumo metu

    Where to buy hemp tea

    Hemp tea is becoming more and more affordable. Specialty outlets can buy pre-made hemp tea bags or dried hemp leaves or buds to make your own tea from - you can find loose hemp leaves for tea and buy refillable tea bags to put them into.

    Both ready-made hemp tea and dried parts of the hemp plant can be purchased in online stores. There are also specialty stores that sell exactly the ingredients you need for hemp tea. In grocery stores, you'll find hemp tea alongside other herbal teas and coffee.

    Brief summary

    Hemp tea bags, dried hemp leaves and hemp flower buds are available in many online stores, specialty stores and grocery stores - look for hemp tea in the tea and coffee sections.

    How to make hemp tea

    Hemp tea is easy to make, especially if you already have experience with other types of herbal teas. All you need to make hemp tea is water and hemp. The hemp will come in the form of dried leaves or ground hemp flower buds, unless you have purchased a pre-made hemp tea bag that is already ready to be brewed with water. First, boil the water. If using a tea bag, pour boiling water into a cup and let it steep for 3-5 minutes before removing the bag. If you're using dried hemp leaves or buds, simply place them in hot water, add your favorite flavorings or sweeteners, and strain out the solids.

    Here's a quick recipe for homemade hemp tea:


    • 2 g dried hemp leaves or buds
    • 1 cup (240 ml) water
    • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
    • Optional: a pinch of cinnamon
    • Optional: 1 tablespoon honey or other sweetener of your choice


    1. First boil the water using a teapot or pot on the stove.
    2. When the water boils, add the hemp and a pinch of cinnamon if you like it.
    3. Let the water boil for about another minute, then turn off the heat.
    4. Then let the water cool a little and only then add the lemon and or other favorite ingredients.
    5. Strain the tea into a cup to remove the solids and enjoy!

    However you choose to prepare your hemp tea, the end result should be an aromatic and warming beverage.

    Brief summary

    Hemp tea is easy to make. All you need is to boil water, dried hemp leaves or flower buds, and any flavorings or sweeteners you like to use in your tea.

    Hemp tea - what matters

    Hemp tea is a beverage made by steeping dried hemp leaves or flower buds in boiling water, similar to other herbal teas. Hemp tea is naturally caffeine-free and is rich in beneficial non-psychoactive cannabinoids such as CBD. The amount of THC that can be found in hemp tea is certainly within the stated limit, so it will not make you feel intoxicated, and moderate consumption of hemp tea is unlikely to show a positive drug test result.

    Many people like to make their own hemp tea at home, but you can also buy ready-made hemp tea bags online and at many grocery stores. Because of its CBD content, hemp tea can have a calming effect and can be beneficial for anxiety, heart health, sleep, and possibly even chronic pain.


    More controlled human studies are needed to determine whether relatively small amounts of CBD, such as those found in hemp tea, can produce measurable health effects. Although CBD and hemp are generally considered safe, they can interact with many medications. Before adding hemp tea to your wellness routine, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional.

    Dažnai užduodami klausimai

    Kas yra kanapių arbata ir iš ko ji gaminama?

    Kanapių arbata – tai gėrimas, pagamintas iš pluoštinių kanapių (Cannabis sativa) augalo dalių, dažniausiai naudojant sausus kanapių lapus arba žiedų pumpurus. Kanapių arbata ypač vertinama dėl savo raminamojo poveikio, o ją pasigaminti - itin paprasta.

    Ar kanapių arbatoje yra CBD?

    Taip, kanapių arbatoje natūraliai yra CBD (kanabidiolio) – nepsichoaktyvaus kanabinoido, kuris yra plačiai žinomas dėl savo teikiamos įvairialypės naudos sveikatai. CBD koncentracija kanapių arbatoje gali skirtis priklausomai nuo arbatoje naudojamų kanapės augalo dalių. Paprastai kanapių arbatai gaminti naudojami kanapių lapai ir žiedai, kurie pasižymi didesne CBD koncentracija. Nors kanapių arbatoje ir gali būti CBD, kanapių arbatoje esantis CBD kiekis paprastai yra mažesnis, lyginant su kitais CBD produktais.

    Kokia nauda pasižymi kanapių arbata?

    Kanapių arbata gali padėti sumažinti patiriamą nerimą, padėti lengviau užmigti, numalšinti įvairios kilmės lėtinį ir ne tik skausmą, padėti palaikyti normalią širdies veiklą, beje, ji turi ir priešuždegiminį poveikį. Kanapių arbata yra laikoma puikiu pasirinkimu tiems, kurie ieško natūralių būdų gerinti savo bendrą savijautą ir sveikatą.

    Ar galima naudoti kanapių arbatą nėštumo ar žindymo laikotarpiu?

    Svarbu pažymėti, jog nors kanapių arbata turi potencialo kaip natūrali sveikatingumo priemonė, kanapių arbatos naudojimas nėštumo ar žindymo laikotarpiu vis dar kelia klausimų, kadangi nėra iki galo aišku, kokį poveikį ji gali turėti būsimoms mamos ar vaisiui. Nusprendus naudoti kanapių arbatą nėštumo ar žindymo laikotarpiu, prieš tai geriausia pasitarti su gydytoju.

    Kaip paruošti kanapių arbatą?

    Kanapių arbatą galima lengvai paruošti užpilant džiovintus kanapių lapus arba žiedų pumpurus verdančiu vandeniu ir leidžiant pastovėti keletą minučių. Kanapių arbatą galima gardinti ir kitais ingredientais pagal poreikį, pavyzdžiui, citrina ir medumi.