What is CBN?

Even long-time users of hemp products often ask what CBN is. CBD (cannabidiol) extracted from hemp is well known to an increasing number of people in Lithuania and all over the world for its therapeutic and cosmetic properties. Meanwhile, CBN (or cannabinol) is a lesser known compound. According to experts, undeservedly so: CBN has a calming effect and even a small dose of this compound can produce great results. What should you know about this component and how to use CBN products?

Straipsnio turinys

    Note: This and other articles on Hempo's blog are for informational purposes only. According to the directive of the European Commission, cannabidiol is classified as a 'novel food', therefore CBD products should not be used as a food supplement in Lithuania.

    CBN oil

    Unique effect

    The highest amount of cannabinol is found in cut hemp plants that are kept under special conditions: exposed to heat, oxygen and natural sunlight. Similar to CBD, CBN provides a therapeutic effect and does not have intoxicating properties.

    CBN is not as widely researched, known and used as CBD. However, this natural hemp product has unique benefits that have been confirmed by doctors and scientists:

    • Calming properties. CBN has been shown to have properties that can alleviate various ailments such as stress, anxiety disorders and insomnia;
    • Perfect for preventive use. Moderate doses of cannabinol can also be used for prevention, as it calms your body, remove the tension and improves your focus and concentration;
    • Relieves pain. A study conducted in 2019 with laboratory rats showed that CBN effectively reduced pain and spasms in muscles, joints and other areas, as well as increased joint mobility. Experts note that the best results are achieved when CBN and CBD are used together;
    • Helps patients with neurodegenerative diseases. US researchers conducted a study in which people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) took small doses of CBN for 12 weeks. It’s a progressive neurodegenerative disease that damages nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord and eventually leads to complete body paralysis. It has been found that CBN can help prevent ALS disease or slow its progression significantly. Thus, CBN makes it possible to significantly improve the quality of life of patients.

    How does CBN affect your body?

    Once in the body, CBN starts to interact with your endocannabinoid system (ECS), a complex cellular signaling system that regulates many of the body functions.

    CBN binds to CB1 and CB2 receptors in the ECS. These are the main receptors of the peripheral and central nervous system that interact with cannabinoids and, in response to CBN, provide a calming effect on the body.

    What should you know about using CBN?

    While no scientific studies to date have shown that CBN can have any psychoactive, intoxicating effects, in composition this component is related to the hallucinogenic substance THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Therefore, you should choose products where CBN is only a secondary ingredient. You can buy full-spectrum CBD oil or capsules that contain a small dose of CBN: even a small concentration of cannabinol has an obvious calming effect, helps relieve tension and fall asleep.

    That being said, pure CBN oil may cause unwanted side effects such as extreme fatigue, weakness, dizziness or light-headedness.

    We hope that from now on you won’t need to ask ‘what is CBN?’ anymore and you will soon be able to enjoy the beneficial properties of this product!

    Dažnai užduodami klausimai

    Kas yra CBN?

    CBN, arba kanabinolis, yra kanapių augale randamas daugialypis junginys, turintis potencialų raminamąjį poveikį - CBN taip pat yra kanabinoidas, visai kaip ir CBD. Skirtingai nei THC, CBN nesukelia psichoaktyvaus poveikio, todėl yra patrauklus pasirinkimas tiems, kurie nori patirti kanapių gydomąją naudą be svaiginančio efekto.

    Kuo CBN skiriasi nuo CBD?

    CBN ir CBD yra kanabinoidai, randami kanapių augale. Nors abu jie sąveikauja su žmogaus endokanabinoidine sistema, CBN yra labiausiai vertinamas dėl savo potencialo gydyti miego sutrikimus ir turi raminamąjį poveikį, kai tuo tarpu CBD dažniausiai vartojamas norint sumažinti nerimo, depresijos, uždegimo simptomus ir skausmą.

    Kokia yra CBN nauda?

    CBN gali turėti raminamąjį terapinį poveikį, todėl yra naudingas gydant miego sutrikimus. CBN taip pat gali padėti pacientams, sergantiems neurodegeneracinėmis ligomis. CBN taip pat puikiai tinka ir profilaktiniam naudojimui - jis padeda atsikratyti įprastai kamuojančios įtampos.

    Kaip CBN veikia organizmą?

    CBN veikia organizmą sąveikaudamas su endokanabinoidine sistema - jis prisijungia prie CB1 ir CB2 receptorių, esančių nervų sistemoje. Šie receptoriai, sąveikaudami su kanabinoidais, suteikia raminamąjį poveikį organizmui.

    Kada geriausia vartoti CBN?

    CBN produktus, tokius kaip CBN aliejų, galima vartoti prieš miegą arba dienos metu - tai priklauso nuo individualių poreikių. Moksliniai tyrimai rodo, jog CBN pasižymi sedacinėmis savybėmis - žmonės, susiduriantys su nemiga, tai laiko privalumu, tačiau būtent dėl šios priežasties CBN naudojimą dienos metu vertėtų gerai apsvarstyti. Svarbu laikytis gamintojo nurodymų ir pradėti nuo mažiausios dozės, kurią galima didinti palaipsniui pagal poreikį.