<tc>CBD and the endocannabinoid system: what you need to know </tc>

Until recently, scientists could not tell us how exactly CBD works, but it was clear that it stimulated many biochemical processes. However, the rapidly growing interest of people around the world has forced scientists to roll up their sleeves and answer this important question. And voila! The basic principle of how CBD works has been discovered, and the short answer is through our endocannabinoid system!

Straipsnio turinys

    Note: This and other articles on Hempo's blog are for informational purposes only. According to the directive of the European Commission, cannabidiol is classified as a 'novel food', therefore CBD products should not be used as a food supplement in Lithuania.


    Have you ever heard of the endocannabinoid system? It turns out that every person has it. In fact, even animals have it!

    The endocannabinoid system plays an important role in regulating our mood, physiological functions and well-being. It’s a complex network of neurons that helps balance the various body functions and is the main reason why you finally relax with CBD products.


    You are probably thinking: ‘Well, if it’s so important, why isn’t it taught in school and why is it so little talked about?’

    The answer is simple - the endocannabinoid system was only discovered in the 1990s.

    So, everyone should ask these questions, and teaching it should be mandatory. Especially now that scientists have conducted multiple studies, finding the significant role the ECS plays in regulating your body functions! This is definitely an important missing part of what we learn about our nervous system when we are young.


    While there is a lack of thorough research to say exactly how the endocannabinoid system works, based on the latest research findings, we know that it helps to regulate various vital functions of the body. It interacts with other body systems and helps regulate their functioning, including how you feel, move and react to the environment. Simply put, the endocannabinoid system is like a general manager who is responsible for the productivity and quality of work performed by workers (other body systems).

    The endocannabinoid system is a biological system. It consists of cannabinoid receptors and endocannabinoids. The activity of this system manifests throughout the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.

    It means that endocannabinoids and their cannabinoid receptors are found throughout your body: in the brain, organs, connective tissues, glands, and immune cells.

    The endocannabinoid system performs different tasks in each type of tissue, but, as we now know, the goal is always the same – homoeostasis, maintaining the stable functioning of internal functions despite fluctuations in the external environment.

    It's very important!

    This is why the endocannabinoid system has been found to benefit many people and animals. It restores balance to your body and promotes good physical and psychological well-being. According to scientists, a disturbed or damaged endocannabinoid system is directly related to the increased sensitivity of your body to various external factors.


    An article about the endocannabinoid system would not be complete without discussing the interactions with CBD and the benefits it provides. The endocannabinoid system answers the question of why the natural cannabinoids found in hemp and other plants have a therapeutic effect.

    The system consists of cannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors. Cannabinoid receptors are like a lock. Cannabinoids are chemical compounds that stimulate cannabinoid receptors. These are the chemical keys to the cannabinoid receptors – they tell your body when to start various processes and when to stop them.

    CBD is a cannabinoid!

    Some endocannabinoids are produced by your body, but most of them come from food and supplements.

    There are many different cannabinoids, CBD being just one of them.

    In simple terms, CBD binds to the ECS receptors in your body, strengthening your endocannabinoid system. Don’t forget it – it’s very important. The goal is always the same – homoeostasis, maintaining the stable functioning of internal functions despite fluctuations in the external environment.

    While there are many cannabinoids, CBD is a favourite among them because it is extremely effective in restoring a weakened endocannabinoid system and because it does not have a psychoactive effect. It doesn’t make you feel intoxicated, on the contrary, it helps you to relax and calm your mind not "go out of your mind".

    Scientists are still figuring out the relationship between the endocannabinoid system and CBD, but one thing we know for sure is that CBD is a powerful plant compound with immense potential to bring balance to your body, mind and soul.

    Dažnai užduodami klausimai

    Kas yra endokanabinoidinė sistema (EKS)?

    Mokslininkai endokanabinoidinę sistemą atrado tik 1990 m. Endokanabinoidinė sistema yra sudėtingas žmogaus ir gyvūnų organizmo neuronų tinklas, reguliuojantis įvairias gyvybiškai svarbias funkcijas, pavyzdžiui, nuotaiką, miegą, skausmą, uždegimą ir imuninę sistemą. Ji susideda iš kanabinoidų receptorių, endokanabinoidų ir fermentų.

    Kas yra CBD?

    CBD (kanabidiolis) yra natūralus kanapių augale randamas junginys, žinomas dėl savo potencialo teigiamai veikti žmogaus sveikatą. CBD yra priskiriamas kanabinoidams - tai junginiai, veikiantys panašiai kaip ir neuromediatoriai, esantys mūsų smegenyse. Skirtingai nuo THC, CBD nesukelia psichoaktyvaus poveikio. Kanabinoidai yra natūraliai randami organizme, tačiau kai jis juos gamina, jie vadinami endokanabinoidais.

    Kaip CBD veikia endokanabinoidinę sistemą?

    CBD sąveikauja su endokanabinoidine sistema tiesiogiai neprisijungdamas prie kanabinoidų receptorių (tokiu principu veikia THC), tačiau jis moduliuoja ir stiprina endokanabinoidinės sistemos veiklą, pvz., slopina endokanabinoidų skaidymo procesus bei aktyvuoja kitus receptorius.

    Kokie yra svarbiausi endokanabinoidinės sistemos komponentai?

    Pagrindiniai EKS komponentai yra dviejų tipų kanabinoidų receptoriai – CB1 ir CB2, išsidėstę visame žmogaus organizme, pavyzdžiui, anandamidas ir 2-AG, bei fermentai, atsakingi už jų sintezę ir skaidymą. CB1 receptoriai yra išsidėstę smegenyse ir nervų sistemoje, o CB2 receptoriai labiau paplitę periferiniuose organuose - ypač ląstelėse, susijusiose su imunine sistema.

    Kokia yra endokanabinoidų funkcija organizme?

    Endokanabinoidai veikia kaip signalinės molekulės, reguliuodamos ir palaikydamos organizmo homeostazę. Jie dalyvauja įvairių fiziologinių procesų, tokių kaip skausmo pojūtis, uždegimas, miegas, apetitas ir nuotaika, reguliavime.